Cassie gets caught

She could actually remember when it happened.  She was playing Grand Theft Auto with Craig, her brother's best friend.  They were ribbing each other as usual.  She called him bone head and he called her teeny bopper.  She supposed Craig's arms had always been there, but it's as if they suddenly came into existence.  She swallowed and watched his biceps move as he worked the controls.   They didn't talk about sex in the Sully household.   It was assumed her brother was having it, as Cassie often heard female giggling into well in the morning.  Jason was in his first year of apprenticeship.  He spent most of his money on crap and he had a mouth like a sailor.  But he was a good big brother.

During a particularly dozy English lesson Lauren pushed a Dolly mag over to Cassie's desk and stabbed her pink finger nail at a particular question. "Do you ever?" Lauren smirked at her as Cassie blushed.   She shook her head vigorously and shoved the magazine away as if it smelled bad.    Lauren was a mean girl.  She knew Cassie was still innocent and she wanted to make her squirm.  But it got her thinking...
She checked the clock when she got home.  3.27.  Her mum came home around 5 from her part time job and her dad wouldn't get home till 6.  She texted her brother and he was going to the gym after work.  She took a deep breath and went into her room, shut the door and drew the curtains.  She took off her blazer, shirt, shoes and skirt.  She kept her underwear and socks on.  It was cold in the bed so she rubbed her arms over herself.  She ran her hand along her thigh and then skimmed over her panties.  It felt nice, and tingly.  She pressed more firmly and it started to feel good.  She turned over onto her stomach so she could rub herself harder.  She felt pressure building as she kept going, feeling excited but scared, she wanted to release herself...  "Jase are you- Holy fuck, Cassie, I'm sorry!"
She screeched and threw the bed covers back on herself.  She waited a minute or two, quietly dying of embarrassment.  She cautiously looked out and saw Craig standing there.  He looked mortified. 
"Sometimes Jason... He hangs out in your room."
He rubbed her clit and she jerked and squealed against him.  "Virgins get so fucking horny," he said.  They cuddled for a little bit.  "Hey can you make those chocolate brownies again?" Craig asked. "You know that recipe you learned last week in Home Ec. They were ace." 

Maths.  General maths was the worst.  It was second last period and Cassie was itching to go home.  She drew a smiley face on her friend's notes, then made it into a retarded smiley face, then grinned.  Her friend sniggered and the teacher glared at her.  She had always been a top student, and she still got good grades.  But lately she'd been distracted.  "I get that too," her friend Amelia said thoughtfully one day during recess.  "Wonder what it is?" Cassie went to an all girls school.  They learnt about sex and did the whole banana-condom thing but that was back in year seven.  They were in year 10 now.

"Some girls masturbate by pressing their legs together.  Others by putting gentle pressure on their clitoris."  I wonder if it feels good...  She finished up her day at school.  To her horror, she found herself thinking about whether each and every girl she looked at did that, and how they might do it... She pushed the thought away and hurried home, avoiding eye contact with everyone.  Like they might somehow know...

"Please don't tell anyone."
"I won't," he said.  "It's perfectly normal and..."
"Oh God, Craig, don't.  Please."
"Ok," he said.  Then he laughed.  "You're not the first person in the world this has ever happened to.  Although I have to admit you're the last person I expected to walk in on... Your Jason's little sister."
"I know.  It's just at school... Just please don't tell anyone."
"I won't."  Craig was 5'10, with tanned skin and light brown hair.  He was hot.  She couldn't not see it any more.  The thought of him being in her bed wasn't so unpleasant.
She flipped the covers off in one motion.  Jason stared at her body, unsure how to proceed. 
"Am I hot?"
"Well am I?"
"Yes," he said. "But there's a word for that kind of hot.  Jail bait."
"That's two words," she corrected primly.  "And I'm sixteen soon."
"Yes, you are..." he sighed, looking over her again.
She frowned and was about to put the covers back on.  The urge had passed and she just felt self conscious.
"Wait," he said quietly.  He came over to the bed and took her face in his hands and kissed her gently.  She moved over and he climbed into the bed, still fully clothed.  He unhooked her bra as he kissed her and ran his hand over her soft skin.  He hooked her panties down with his thumb and she slid out of them, doing a little wiggle.  He began to finger fuck her and she moaned and squirmed.
"Do you want to cum?" he asked her.

She blinked and got her breath back.  He got on top of her.  She was lying face down.  He pressed his hard dick into her bum, which was slick with her own juices.  "Just so you know the only reason I'm not fucking you is because your Jason's little sister.   And you're my friend.  I've liked you forever.  Just not that way until recently."
"I feel the same," she answered.
"I do want to take your virginity though..." He kissed the back of her neck sweetly.   "When you're ready."

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